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Beaverton Schools

School Improvement Plan

Strategic Plan Goal Area 1: Safe & Thriving

Strategic Plan Outcome: Every student thrives socially and emotionally
Strategic Plan Measure: % of students reporting there is at least one adult who really cares about them.
School “SMART” Goal (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely):
Strategic Plan Strategy:  By the end of the 2023-2024 school year, at least 90% of all Mountain View students will be able to identify at least one adult who really cares about them that supports their ability to thrive both socially and emotionally.

Strategic Plan Goal Area 2: Progress on Standards

Strategic Plan Outcome: All students demonstrate progress toward, and achievement, of the standards
Strategic Plan Measure: The proficiency gap on the state ELA test between more and less advantaged students in grades 3-8 decreases
School “SMART” Goal (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely):
Strategic Plan Strategy: By the end of the 2023-2024 school year, the disparity between average gap scores amongst all students versus students that are categorized as underserved race/ethnicity will be less than 10 points. The average gap score for all students will be no less than -46 and the average gap score for underserved race/ethnicity will be no less than -54.